Engaging our world together in the ways of Jesus

Engaging our world
Rather than withdraw from the world or lament the loss of cultural influence, the mission of God calls us into the world to reveal God's character, to embody God's beauty, justice and righteousness and to participate in God's unbreaking of all the broken things of our world.

Our lives are not lived in a vacuum. The understanding of our individual identities, gifts and callings is shaped by those we relate to. For the time you find yourself in Washington, DC, we invite you to journey together with us to discover and affirm God's call to grace, beauty and justice.

In the ways of Jesus  
Jesus invites us to join him in renewing the world in all things. We are not merely assenting to a belief system, a moral standard, or participating in a cultural movement. Jesus calls each one of us to follow in his footsteps towards flourishing lives that change the world around us.

As a church for all peoples, Washington Community Fellowship is a Christ-centered faith community that seeks to appreciate the beautiful diversity of Christ's body and embody Authentic Community, Personal Transformation, Vibrant Worship and Social Impact in all that we do. We are affiliated with the Mennonite Church USA.

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We as a faith community acknowledge that we gather and worship on the ancestral land of the Nacotchtank, or Anacostan land, a tribe that is officially extinct. This land also was and still is the homeland of the Piscataway Conoy people and of the Algonquin tribe.