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This is an update from Brian Conklin (Music Director):


As many of you know, I recently retired from USAID after 20 years in the foreign service.  During this last couple of years, my wife and I have been praying about the next steps in our lives. I was recently offered (and accepted) a position in a company that wants to expand their operations to Africa.  I had hoped to find work in the DMV,  but this particular company is based in Houston, Texas.  Our plans are to relocate to Houston in the Fall, with travel abroad as things begin to open up.

Being part of this church family and working with you has been impactful.  I started working with WCF during a challenging and uncertain transition in my life.  Our shared worship experience has led me through a period where I rediscovered a deeper, sustaining faith, renewed purpose and healing.  I have been challenged and grown through my relationships with you all.  I can't thank each of you enough for your love, encouragement, insight and support.

For now, I am still living in Montana and will continue to support Andrew in this role through worship planning and coordinating music teams until a replacement is found - with a few trips back to DC this Summer.

Thank you again for allowing me this opportunity to contribute to our shared worship experience.

