The Elders, in a series of five blog posts and the sermons linked below, have encouraged us to prayerfully discern how we can:

1) Make spiritual formation the spine of our programming at WCF,
2) Live a Christian spirituality of formation, not information,
3) Nurture shared spiritual practices,
4) Demonstrate humble communal curiosity that enriches our diversity, and
5) Spend time together.

The Elders stated that they hope these expressed values can lead us to be formed
further into the likeness of Christ for the sake of others. With this goal in mind, the
Deacons are making a change to our Sunday morning schedule:

New Sunday Schedule

Effective October 8, 2023, through June 2024, each Sunday will begin with an hour of
Fellowship and Nurture for adults and children, followed by our Worship Service, with
childcare offered for younger children. The Deacons hope this new schedule will enable
everyone in the congregation to participate more fully in our fellowship, nurture, and
worship activities.

The Adult Nurture classes will continue the study of the Gospel of Luke, alternating with
The Bible Project's video and class discussion series on "How to Read the Biblical
Narrative," including how the four Gospels tell the same story of Jesus differently. We
plan to read and study Luke while at the same time exploring how to read biblical
narratives more carefully.

For the children, the Nurture Hour will offer classes for babies through middle school
each week. High Schoolers will have nurture classes twice a month and are encouraged
to attend the adult class on alternate weeks. During worship, we will have childcare for
babies through Pre-K. Older children will join adults for the entirety of the service,
joining us in worship and learning! The Children’s Nurture Commission will recruit
additional lead teachers to teach in all classes; please let us know if you’re interested insupporting our children’s programming. Teachers and parents, please look for more
detailed information in the coming weeks.

We are excited about where this can take us. Questions or responses about the
proposed changes? We’d love to hear from you. Please email us at

Respectfully, The Deacons - Kendrick Mernitz Smith (Presiding Deacon), Rosalyn
Alleman, Kendra Brock, Janelle Butterworth, Ben Houck, Doug Rheinheimer, Alyssa
Sickle, Phil Wenger, Carol Weatherly